Thursday, July 31, 2008

Update on The Cicadas novel, a Romantic Adventure

I've been quiet for a while because for the past several months I've been rewriting The Cicadas novel, hopefully for the last time. The new manuscript includes many new chapters, especially early in the novel, and the rest has been rewritten or reworked. The basic story is essentially the same, but I am very pleased with the presentation of this latest version. Chapters 1-6 are completely new and the old chapter one has been rewritten and positioned as a prologue. The story moves quickly and is being compared to the movie, Starman, (a few years back, starring Jeff Bridges) in that the genre is similar. The new version of The Cicadas is being classified more accurately as a Romantic Adventure. Soon, hopefully in a month or two, I'll be announcing the availability of the Hardcover. For now, only the old version is available at as a text or audio download.


Friday, May 9, 2008

Last Chance to get Think And Grow Rich Audiobook MP3 for free

The Think and Grow Rich Audiobook (mp3 format) has been completed and the page will soon be taken down and converted to a sales page. The entire original classic by Napolean Hill was read by Shawn Penning, Author of The Cicadas and has been offered as a free download to the subscribers at

This offer will only be available for the next few days, so go now and opt in. While you are there, you can also get a free short story audiobook download of The Ketchup Incident (a story about a bully)and the first two chapters from the original manuscript of The Cicadas. The Cicadas is currently being edited and rewritten for hardcover publication and so you have a rare chance to see a raw manuscript and then compare it to the finished product (due out in Summer of 2008).

Friday, February 22, 2008

Get "Think And Grow Rich".mp3 audio book Free

This is a limited time offer, so act now. For anyone who opts in at

an email message will be sent to the email you specify with a link to the Napolean Hill classic, Think And Grow Rich on mp3 audio book and read by the author of the new science-fiction romantic suspense novel, The Cicadas, Shawn Penning.

The Think And Grow Rich mp3 audio book is being rolled out at a rate of 1 chapter per week (already 7 chapters available) and when the last chapter has been posted, the Think And Grow Rich mp3 audio book will no longer be free.

Get it now!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Bonnie Comella Wins The Cicadas Book Cover Contest!

Congratulations to artist Bonnie Comella for winning The Cicadas book cover contest! There were many great covers submitted so the decision was difficult but Bonnie's was judged the winner. You can see all of the finalists at!