Friday, May 9, 2008

Last Chance to get Think And Grow Rich Audiobook MP3 for free

The Think and Grow Rich Audiobook (mp3 format) has been completed and the page will soon be taken down and converted to a sales page. The entire original classic by Napolean Hill was read by Shawn Penning, Author of The Cicadas and has been offered as a free download to the subscribers at

This offer will only be available for the next few days, so go now and opt in. While you are there, you can also get a free short story audiobook download of The Ketchup Incident (a story about a bully)and the first two chapters from the original manuscript of The Cicadas. The Cicadas is currently being edited and rewritten for hardcover publication and so you have a rare chance to see a raw manuscript and then compare it to the finished product (due out in Summer of 2008).