Thursday, July 31, 2008

Update on The Cicadas novel, a Romantic Adventure

I've been quiet for a while because for the past several months I've been rewriting The Cicadas novel, hopefully for the last time. The new manuscript includes many new chapters, especially early in the novel, and the rest has been rewritten or reworked. The basic story is essentially the same, but I am very pleased with the presentation of this latest version. Chapters 1-6 are completely new and the old chapter one has been rewritten and positioned as a prologue. The story moves quickly and is being compared to the movie, Starman, (a few years back, starring Jeff Bridges) in that the genre is similar. The new version of The Cicadas is being classified more accurately as a Romantic Adventure. Soon, hopefully in a month or two, I'll be announcing the availability of the Hardcover. For now, only the old version is available at as a text or audio download.
