Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Shawn Penning's Novel, "The Cicadas" Finally Available

Great News! For those of you waiting for the paperback and hard cover version of The Cicadas, the wait is over. If you have already read (or listened to the audio book) the original pre-launch version, then you will be surprised to find several new chapters and a complete revision of the original text.

If you would like to read some of the new chapters, we are in the process of posting them here:

Read (or listen to) The Cicadas

The Prologue and the new Chapter 1 are already posted there and we are in the process of posting at least Chapters 2 and 3, along with the newly recorded audio book chapters as well.

The links to buy The Cicadas (Hard Cover and Paperback) from Amazon are now posted on the right-hand side of this blog, and both are also available at Barnes and

If you would like to read The Cicadas for free, please call your local library and ask them to buy a copy. The USBN numbers that they may need are listed below:

The Cicadas by Shawn Penning, published by IUniverse
Paperback ISBN 978-0-595-46935-2
Hardcover ISBN 978-0-595-48941-1

This book represents over four years of writing and rewriting and writing again.
I hope you enjoy it!