Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Good News for Amazon Kindle Owners: The Cicadas for just $1

We have just released The Cicadas for the Amazon Kindle at a special low price available only to Kindle owners. If you you love suspense, mixed with just a touch of science fiction, go download the Amazon Kindle edition of The Cicadas today.

This edition is the same as the print versions available at nearly all online bookstores worldwide in Hardcover and Paperback, except for a few administrative changes made to the table of contents, etc., to fit the Amazon Kindle format.

Yes, The Cicadas on Amazon Kindle for a limited time, just $1! (One US Dollar!). This deal won't last forever so go get it now.

If you like, you can still read (or listen) to the first four chapters of The Cicadas at no charge. Just follow the links at TheCicadas.com.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Shawn Penning's Novel, "The Cicadas" Finally Available

Great News! For those of you waiting for the paperback and hard cover version of The Cicadas, the wait is over. If you have already read (or listened to the audio book) the original pre-launch version, then you will be surprised to find several new chapters and a complete revision of the original text.

If you would like to read some of the new chapters, we are in the process of posting them here:

Read (or listen to) The Cicadas

The Prologue and the new Chapter 1 are already posted there and we are in the process of posting at least Chapters 2 and 3, along with the newly recorded audio book chapters as well.

The links to buy The Cicadas (Hard Cover and Paperback) from Amazon are now posted on the right-hand side of this blog, and both are also available at Barnes and Noble.com.

If you would like to read The Cicadas for free, please call your local library and ask them to buy a copy. The USBN numbers that they may need are listed below:

The Cicadas by Shawn Penning, published by IUniverse
Paperback ISBN 978-0-595-46935-2
Hardcover ISBN 978-0-595-48941-1

This book represents over four years of writing and rewriting and writing again.
I hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Stephen King's Just After Sunset

I admit it, I'm a huge fan of Stephen King's work. His ability to build believable characters, even unearthly ones, amazes me. His books are usually very long, and sometimes the story line doesn't go anywhere, (i.e. From a Buick 8, Hearts in Atlantis). However, every book written by King or his alter ego, Richard Bachman has become a best seller.

I read a lot of books by listening to their audio book versions and King's stories are usually in the 15-25 disk range, which means I need a very long trip, say from Michigan to Florida, to get through one of them. Just After Sunset is nice because it is a collection of short stories and allows King fans and King-fan-want-a-be's to sample Stephen King in small bites.

Some of the stories I had already read, as they were previously available as stand alone products. In each short story, King does his usual great job of building characters and developing a small part of the world where weird things happen, and then bringing us all in to it, making it believable.

Rumor has it that King recently criticized Twilight author Stephanie Meyer's writing skills when comparing her to Harry Potter's JK Rowling:

"The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can’t write worth a darn. She’s not very good."

King used to be an English teacher and he has sold a lot of books, however, my own humble opinion is that even if Stephenie Myers uses a lot of those adverbs (which King finds abhorrent), it doesn't matter. The Twilight series has captured America's attention in a way that boggles the mind. If that many people love Meyer's work, how can anyone criticize her writing skill? She writes just well enough to sell millions of books and have movies made from her writing.

Sorry about the tangent. Bottom line on Just After Sunset: Brilliant writing as usual from King. A welcome departure from his usually very long novels allowing the reader to take in some Stephen King in small bites.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Review of "The Host" by Stephenie Meyer

Hello Fellow Readers,

While I'm waiting these last few weeks for The Cicadas to become available, I've decided to give some comments on books that I've read recently, beginning with Stephenie Meyer's latest, The Host. Later I'll review Stephenie Meyer's 4-book Twilight series, plus Stephen King's Just After Sunset and Duma Key, an older book called The Giver by Lois Lowry, and others. But now, on to Stephenie Meyer's fifth book, The Host.

I loved it. Now I know that most people, especially the Twilight series' almost cult following of young females will disagree with me but I actually enjoyed The Host more than the Twilight series (Twilight · New Moon · Eclipse · Breaking Dawn). Okay, before you flame me for writing it, you should understand that I really did like Twilight and I understand why the story moves so many people. I mean, what girl wouldn't want a perfect guy with superhuman powers and the ability to read a women's mind and anticipate her needs? Anyway, back to The Host.

The opening scene lost me briefly as the terrified and angry girl chooses to plummet to her death to avoid the alternative--having her body invaded and controlled by some alien entity. But my confusion cleared quickly as the story unfolded and took me on an adventure full of suspense, intrigue, and a little romance. Some of the back story reminded me of The Giver, but like Twilight, Stephenie Meyer manages to make everything fit together in a well designed plot that brings the characters and the fantasy world in which they live to a full and vibrant life.

Twilight was billed as a teen series, but I cringed a little during some of the scenes, knowing that my 13-year old daughter had read it already. The Host is labeled for the adult section, but in my opinion, it is tamer than the 4 books of Twilight, a PG at worst.

Bottom Line: If you haven't yet read Stephenie Meyer's The Host, then you are missing out on a great book. If you haven't read Twilight, you are missing out on a phenomenon.

Shawn Penning
author of The Cicadas

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Cicadas novel available soon

With all of the delays we've had getting this novel published, I kind of feel like the boy who cried wolf. However, I now have an ISBN number, the cover has been approved, and the final edits have been submitted to the publisher. I will send an annoucement out to everyone who has signed up at TheCicadas.com as soon as the book is available, hopefully in less than a month or two from today.

As of this date, the website has still not been updated with the new prologue and chapter 1, but we plan to have that up prior to the launch. We will also be offering a lot of bonuses to anyone who purchases the hardcover or softcover versions of The Cicadas so stay tuned.

Thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoy The Cicadas when it finally is published!

Shawn Penning

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Update on The Cicadas novel, a Romantic Adventure

I've been quiet for a while because for the past several months I've been rewriting The Cicadas novel, hopefully for the last time. The new manuscript includes many new chapters, especially early in the novel, and the rest has been rewritten or reworked. The basic story is essentially the same, but I am very pleased with the presentation of this latest version. Chapters 1-6 are completely new and the old chapter one has been rewritten and positioned as a prologue. The story moves quickly and is being compared to the movie, Starman, (a few years back, starring Jeff Bridges) in that the genre is similar. The new version of The Cicadas is being classified more accurately as a Romantic Adventure. Soon, hopefully in a month or two, I'll be announcing the availability of the Hardcover. For now, only the old version is available at TheCicadas.com as a text or audio download.


Friday, May 9, 2008

Last Chance to get Think And Grow Rich Audiobook MP3 for free

The Think and Grow Rich Audiobook (mp3 format) has been completed and the page will soon be taken down and converted to a sales page. The entire original classic by Napolean Hill was read by Shawn Penning, Author of The Cicadas and has been offered as a free download to the subscribers at http://TheCicadas.com.

This offer will only be available for the next few days, so go now and opt in. While you are there, you can also get a free short story audiobook download of The Ketchup Incident (a story about a bully)and the first two chapters from the original manuscript of The Cicadas. The Cicadas is currently being edited and rewritten for hardcover publication and so you have a rare chance to see a raw manuscript and then compare it to the finished product (due out in Summer of 2008).

Friday, February 22, 2008

Get "Think And Grow Rich".mp3 audio book Free

This is a limited time offer, so act now. For anyone who opts in at


an email message will be sent to the email you specify with a link to the Napolean Hill classic, Think And Grow Rich on mp3 audio book and read by the author of the new science-fiction romantic suspense novel, The Cicadas, Shawn Penning.

The Think And Grow Rich mp3 audio book is being rolled out at a rate of 1 chapter per week (already 7 chapters available) and when the last chapter has been posted, the Think And Grow Rich mp3 audio book will no longer be free.

Get it now!


Saturday, February 2, 2008

Bonnie Comella Wins The Cicadas Book Cover Contest!

Congratulations to artist Bonnie Comella for winning The Cicadas book cover contest! There were many great covers submitted so the decision was difficult but Bonnie's was judged the winner. You can see all of the finalists at TheCicadas.com!

Monday, December 31, 2007

Please Vote For a Cover!

The Cicadas book cover contest has ended and we have 17 great covers submitted by some very talented artists. Now the real challenge begins! We need help picking the perfect cover for The Cicadas novel. Please go to http://thecicadas.com/ and click the Voting Link to place your vote.

Cover Art ImagesCover Art ImagesCover Art ImagesCover Art ImagesCover Art ImagesCover Art Images

Cover Art ImagesCover Art ImagesCover Art ImagesCover Art ImagesCover Art ImagesCover Art Images
Cover Art ImagesCover Art ImagesCover Art ImagesCover Art ImagesCover Art Images

As a thankyou for voting, we will give you two free MP3 Audio recordings and a special super low price on The Cicadas text or audiobook!

Thanks for reading,

Friday, November 2, 2007

Finally! Discount Prices on Audio Books!

Hello Readers and Listeners!

We have two announcements to make and both should be good news for you!

First, the affiliate website to TheCicadas.com has now been opened as an online bookstore called, TheCicadasBook.com!

Second, TheCicadasBook.com has signed a deal with Leisure Audio Books to bring thousands of audio books to you at discount prices! Compare the prices with Amazon or Barnes and Noble if you want to see for yourself! Keep in mind that these are AUDIO books, not hard or softcovers. Look on the sidebar at the right for some of the great deals that you will see on all of the audio books offered at TheCicadasBook.com online bookstore.
We highly recommend The Secret by Rhonda Byrne (see it now on the sidebar). This is perhaps the best audio book to come along in the self-help category in years! The other titles listed are current NY Times Best Sellers as well.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Cover Art Contest Entries Now On Display

Dear Artists and Readers,

We have now placed the cover art contest entries on-line and you can view them at TheCicadas.com by clicking on the Cover Art Contest link and then Clicking the link just above the Book. If you have been to the Cover art page before, you may have to click your browser's reload button to load the current version of the page and see the changes. If you're an artist, there is still time to enter the contest!

If you prefer to go directly to the Cover Art Display page to see what your fellow artists have created, click here:

See The Cover Art Contest Entries

After you view the artwork, please return here and feel free to comment on any of the entries you see.

Also, we are still looking for feedback on the free story, The Ketchup Incident and/or The Cicadas. Please just click a comment link and let us know what you think!

Thank you!

Shawn Penning
Author of The Cicadas

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Tell us what you think!

Hello Readers!
We have finally created a link from TheCicadas.com to The Cicadas Blog and we are asking for your help. If you downloaded and read (or listened to the audiobook of)the free story, The Ketchup Incident then we want to hear from you. Please click on the comment button below and let us know what you think!
Also, if you have any other feedback, on The Cicadas novel, the website, the audio books, the contests, or anything else, please click the comment button and type it in.
Thanks for reading (and listening),

Shawn Penning
Author of The Cicadas

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Contest Forms Now Available at TheCicadas.com

We finally have the forms on line to enter the contests. At http://thecicadas.com there are two contests now in place. One to write a subtitle for the novel, The Cicadas, and the second to create the cover. The links are here:

Subtitle Contest

Art Contest

Both contests will be ending in December, 2007, so check them out while you still can. While you're there, don't forget to download your free Mp3 audio book or text short story, The Ketchup Incident , which includes a bonus, two chapters from The Cicadas!

Hope to see you there!

The Cicadas Staff

Monday, October 1, 2007

Welcome to "The Cicadas" Blog

Hello and welcome to The Cicadas blog! I'm Shawn Penning, author of the new novel, The Cicadas, and the short story, The Ketchup Incident.

The Ketchup Incident is currently available as a free Mp3 download (or as a text .pdf download), as part of the promotion for the new novel. Be careful though, The Ketchup Incident is kind of sad!

Anyway, I hope to use this forum to solicit feedback from readers. Many people have visited TheCicadas.com and downloaded the free story, The Ketchup Incident, which includes bonus chapters from The Cicadas, but until now, I haven't had an open channel to receive feedback.

So here it is! Please let me know what you liked or didn't like, what you would like to hear or read in the future, or ask any questions about writing, publishing, creating audio books, or anything else that might be on your mind.

Please, by all means, check out the Cover Art Design Contest and the Subtitle Contest at TheCicadas.com. You could win an IPOD or money! And if you haven't downloaded the free story, please do so now by clicking one of the links above!

Thank you and enjoy!

Shawn Penning