Thursday, October 18, 2007

Tell us what you think!

Hello Readers!
We have finally created a link from to The Cicadas Blog and we are asking for your help. If you downloaded and read (or listened to the audiobook of)the free story, The Ketchup Incident then we want to hear from you. Please click on the comment button below and let us know what you think!
Also, if you have any other feedback, on The Cicadas novel, the website, the audio books, the contests, or anything else, please click the comment button and type it in.
Thanks for reading (and listening),

Shawn Penning
Author of The Cicadas

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Ketchup Incident was very good, I believe you captured the feeling and interactions extremely well. I was on the recieving end on many jokes and the repurcussions were never pleasant when I got home.